Greek New Testament
2. John

Apparatus: Variant readings are given in the text in this presentation: | Westcott-Hort text | NA-26 text |

< > indicates a word where NA26 encloses only a part of the word in square brackets. Since this would affect the search tools, we use these brackets. The reader should consult the printed NA26 edition for the details.

[ ] indicates doubtful text.


1:1 o presbuteroV eklekth kuria kai toiV teknoiV authV ouV egw agapw en alhqeia kai ouk egw monoV alla kai panteV oi egnwkoteV thn alhqeian

1:2 dia thn alhqeian thn menousan en hmin kai meq hmwn estai eiV ton aiwna

1:3 estai meq hmwn cariV eleoV eirhnh para qeou patroV kai para ihsou cristou tou uiou tou patroV en alhqeia kai agaph

1:4 ecarhn lian oti eurhka ek twn teknwn sou peripatountaV en alhqeia kaqwV entolhn elabomen para tou patroV

1:5 kai nun erwtw se kuria ouc wV entolhn | grafwn soi kainhn | kainhn grafwn soi | alla hn eicomen ap archV ina agapwmen allhlouV

1:6 kai auth estin h agaph ina peripatwmen kata taV entolaV autou auth h entolh estin kaqwV hkousate ap archV ina en auth peripathte

1:7 oti polloi planoi exhlqon eiV ton kosmon oi mh omologounteV ihsoun criston ercomenon en sarki outoV estin o planoV kai o anticristoV

1:8 blepete eautouV ina mh apoleshte a eirgasameqa alla misqon plhrh apolabhte

1:9 paV o proagwn kai mh menwn en th didach tou cristou qeon ouk ecei o menwn en th didach outoV kai ton patera kai ton uion ecei

1:10 ei tiV ercetai proV umaV kai tauthn thn didachn ou ferei mh lambanete auton eiV oikian kai cairein autw mh legete

1:11 o legwn gar autw cairein koinwnei toiV ergoiV autou toiV ponhroiV

1:12 polla ecwn umin grafein ouk eboulhqhn dia cartou kai melanoV alla elpizw genesqai proV umaV kai stoma proV stoma lalhsai ina h cara | umwn | hmwn | peplhrwmenh h

1:13 aspazetai se ta tekna thV adelfhV sou thV eklekthV