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Коптская гностическая библиотека: краткое описание содержания кодексов |
Кодексы библиотеки, обнаруженной в 1945 г. в Наг-Хаммади. |
The Nag Hammadi Library |
Edited by James M. Robinson. The definitive translation of the Gnostic Scriptures complete in one volume. |
Nag Hammadi Studies 4: Nag Hammadi Codices III, 2 and IV, 2 |
The Gospel of the Egyptians. Edited by Alexander Bohlig, Frederik Wisse, and Pahor Labib. Leiden: Brill. |
Nag Hammadi Studies 9 |
Pistis Sophia. Edited by Carl Schmidt and Violet MacDermot. Leiden: Brill. |
Nag Hammadi Studies 10 |
The Enthronement of Sabaoth: Jewish Elements in Gnostic Creation myths. By Francis T. Fallon. Leiden: Brill. |
Nag Hammadi Studies 13 |
The Books of Jeu and the Untitled Text in the Bruce Codex. Edited by Carl Schmidt and Violet MacDermot. Leiden: Brill. |
Nag Hammadi Studies 14 |
R. McL. Wilson. Nag Hammadi and Gnosis. Leiden: Brill. |
Nag Hammadi Studies 15: Nag Hammadi Codices IX and X |
Edited by Birger A. Pearson. Leiden: Brill. |
Nag Hammadi Studies 20: Nag Hammadi Codex II, 2-7. Vol. I |
Gospel According to Thomas, Gospel According to Philip, Hypostasis of the Archons, and Indexes. Edited by Bentley Layton. Leiden New York Københaum Köln: Brill. |
Nag Hammadi Studies 21: Nag Hammadi Codex II, 2-7. Vol. II |
On the Origin of the World, Expository Theatise, On the Soul, Book of Thomas the Contender. Edited by Bentley Layton. Leiden New York Københaum Köln: Brill. |
Nag Hammadi Studies 22: Nag Hammadi Codex I (The Jung Codex) |
Introductions, Texts, Translations, Indices. Edited by Harold W. Attridge. Leiden: Brill. |
Nag Hammadi Studies 23: Nag Hammadi Codex I (The Jung Codex) |
Notes. Edited by Harold W. Attridge. Leiden: Brill. |
Nag Hammadi Studies 26: Nag Hammadi Codex III, 5 |
The Dialogue of the Savior. Edited by Stephen Emmel. Leiden: Brill. |
Nag Hammadi Studies 27: Nag Hammadi Codices III, 3-4 and V, 1 |
Eugnostos and The Sophia of Jesus Christ.
Edited by Douglas M. Parrott. |
Nag Hammadi Studies 28: Nag Hammadi Codices XI, XII and XIII |
Edited by Charles W. Hedrick. Leiden New York Københaum Köln: Brill. |
Nag Hammadi Studies 31: Nag Hammadi Codex VIII |
Edited by John H. Sieber. Leiden New York Københaum Köln: Brill. |